It's I am — Leonid Kaganov, 2002
Leonid Kaganov

I am a SF-writer and scriptwriter, Russia.

Contact me: lleo@lleo.me
Russian website: http://lleo.lleo.me


Russian books:



Leonid Kaganov «Sidrunkollane planeet», Skarabeus 2021, Translated by Arvi Nikkarev

  • Leonid Kaganov «Mul veab», Maagia, Skarabeus, 2019, ISBN 978-9949914784, Translated by Arvi Nikkarev
  • Leonid Kaganov «Maagia», Maagia, Skarabeus, 2019, ISBN 978-9949914784, Translated by Arvi Nikkarev
  • Leonid Kaganov «Enne koitu», Munk maailma äärel, Skarabeus, 2009, ISBN 9789985934685, Translated by Arvi Nikkarev
  • Leonid Kaganov «Hamsik», Munk maailma äärel, Skarabeus, 2009, ISBN 9789985934685, Translated by Arvi Nikkarev

  • English:

  • «The Rattler», «Asimovs», May-June 2024, Translated by Alex Shvartsman
  • A Predator's Epic, translated by Cloud Ring
  • «I'm Feeling Lucky», «Clarkesworld», ISSUE 178, July 2021, Translated by Alex Shvartsman
  • [text]
  • «Pots and Gods» Translated by Anna Malanushenko
  • «I Am Lucky» Translated by Sasha Kuznetsov
  • «Visit From Sirius» Translated by Dmitri Fomin
  • «My Karmic Ancestor Don Ramirez Gallego» Translated by Dmitri Fomin
  • «BUTTER» Translated by Dmitri Fomin
  • «THE PYRAMID» Translated by Dmitri Fomin
  • «Letter To Paula» Translated by Dmitri Fomin
  • «THE HOMMY» Translated by Maria Saltykova
  • «REQUIEM» Translated by S.
  • «SPELL OF BODY SPIRITS» Translated by Alexander Manuelian & Robert Higgins
  • «Ode On Genuine Software» Translated by Dmitri Fomin
  • «POEM ABOUT LEGAL SOFT» Translated by Boris
  • «STANDARD CONFIGURATION» Translated by Mikhail Bronstein
  • essue «How to make a believable description of the impossible» Translated by Anna Malanushenko
  • essue «Neural Gogol» Translated by Sasha Yakubov
  • Poland:

  • «Kiedy już będzie normalnie», perewod: E. Curkan-Dróżka
  • «Żłoby», perewod: Ewa Skorska, «NOWA FANTASTYKA» N4(247) kwiecie 2003
  • «Epos drapieżnika», perewod: Ewa Skorska, «NOWA FANTASTYKA» 2003
  • «Homik», perewod: EuGeniusz Debski, «NOWA FANTASTYKA» N4(271) kwiecie 2005
  • «Magija», perewod: Pawel Laudanski, «NOWA FANTASTYKA» N??? 2012
  • «PUAPKA NA MROWKI», perewod: Nadolski Maciej
  • «GASTARBAJTER», perewod: Nadolski Maciej
  • «Masło», perewod: Ewa Skorska
  • «Miłość Johnny’ego Kima», perewod: Ewa Skorska
  • «Pierwsza czystka», perewod: Ewa Skorska
  • […]Mamma Sonnim[…], perewod: Ewa Skorska
  • «REQUIEM», przet³umaczy³ z niemieckiego: Miros³aw Ro¿ek
  • «JAK NAZWAĆ SWOJĄ KSIĄŻKĘ", perewod: Nadolski Maciej
  • «PARADA RÓWNOŚCI», perewod: Nadolski Maciej
  • «SPRZEDAWCA LICZB LOSOWYCH», perewod: Nadolski Maciej
  • France:

  • «La Chenillette», Galaxies et Patrice et Viktorya Lajoye 2014 pour la traduction francaise, «Galaxies» ¹28, 2014
  • «Épopée de carnassier», Galaxies et Patrice et Viktorya Lajoye 2013 pour la traduction francaise, «Galaxies» ¹14, 2013
  • «LE HAMSTY», Galaxies et Patrice et Viktorya Lajoye 2012 pour la traduction francaise, «Galaxies» ¹15, 2012
  • «REQUIEM» Traduction de Zolotareva Marina
  • «PETITS POEMES EN CONFINEMENT» Traduction de Christine Zeytounian-Beloüs
  • Hungarian:

  • «Harchocsi» («Òàíêåòêà»), «GALAKTIKA» XXXVII apriles 2017 (page 74-82) translated by Ergi Zsuzsanna
  • Español:

  • «RÉQUIEM» Traducido al español por Gabriel Sala
  • Finnish

  • «Saalistajan Eepos», Suomennos: Maria Lind ja Sini Saarenpää, 2014
  • Ceska republika:

  • «REKVIEM» Překlad: Jitka Petrová
  • Deutsch:

  • «REQUIEM» Übersetzung Inna Granovskaya
  • Lietuvia:

  • «Plesruno epas» Translated by Lina Kulikauskiene, «DORADO RAGANOS» #3(39),1994
  • Azerbaycan:

  • «YIRTICININ DASTANI», Gaib Aliyev 2010

  • about «The Commutation»


    The book is set in contemporary Moscow. The main character of the book is a Special Forces agent. He gets on assignment to help Interpol stop a chain of murders and recover some mysterious package. The package is extremely dangerous and is badly wanted by organized crime all over the world. All information related to this case is classified. Using state of the art techniques and help from underground hackers our hero manages to conduct his investigation, albeit almost blindfolded.

    What is in this mysterious package? Compromising information? Ultimate weapon? Dangerous drug? Only at the very end of the story the agent discovers the secret of the package. It is merely a crystallizing heat pack, a gadget widely available. The mafia is after the starter, a small device that causes supercooled saline solution to crystallize and produce heat.

    The reader and the hero are trying to understand the extent of the damage a device as simple and small as that starter can cause. It is too late when they both realize that the biggest heat pack on Earth is the Dead Sea. Crystallization of the Dead Sea would cause huge impact on the climate in the region, turning half of the continent into uninhabitable desert. How different the life would be in the post-accident Earth? How would global politics change in the new world?

    The humanity is one step away from extinction. Could it be prevented? Should it be prevented? Are there forces strong enough to render the civilization dead?

    «The Commutation» is novel about a failure that became a success.

    about «The Charisma»


    Should hostile genius decide to enslave the human race it doesn't have go as far as to conquer every last little soul on Earth. All it takes is just a werewolf. Once in the society he can evolve into a leader powerful enough to control the planet.

    The main character of Charisma is Alex, an ordinary student. He lives in his own world of fantasies. Among peers he is known as a looser and a geek, who spends most of his time with computers.

    Alex doesn't realize what has happened to him. All of a sudden he acquires a talent for vertical mobility. By completing series of wise moves and making no mistakes he achieves phenomenal success in his career. He discovers that he can transform his body at will, changing his hands into werewolf paws, becoming a wolf or turning into a flock of bats.

    The forces of evil, however, did not account for one small detail. Alex used to be a prominent hacker. Having mastered unlimited control over his body he begins to explore his mind. Deep in the subconscious he finds an alien virus and manages to defeat it.

    Despite apparent pathos of the story the novel is rather humorous. Irony at times feels like self-irony. Unpredictable ending makes all the details of the story fall nicely into place.