mysqli_query("SELECT `BTC` FROM `lleoaharu`.`bitcoin` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 100")
SELECT command denied to user 'lleo-site'@'localhost' for table `lleoaharu`.`bitcoin`

Юрий И

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Yury Ilin (Юрий И"ьин), and I work as a Hardware Design Engineer at Alzymologist Oy.

On this blog, I aim to share my knowledge and experience in the field of hardware design. Here, you will find engaging articles, helpful tips, and the latest news about electronic device development.

Join me on this journey through the world of hardware design! Together, we will explore new technologies, discuss cutting-edge developments, and inspire each other in creating innovative electronic devices.

Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you find plenty of valuable information here.

Юрий И
Юрий И
Юрий И
Юрий И
/* var BtcRate = 9800; var Rnow = 0; var Gnow = 0; var Bnow = 0; var Rf = 0; var Gf = 0; var Bf = 0; var warmup_timer = 0; var press_dif = 500; var press_change = 500; var press_old; var press_err; var R_current = 0.0; var G_current = 0.0; var B_current = 0.0; var Gain = 8.5; */ /*------------*/ var k=(256/1000); var o=''; for(var i in dat) { var BtcRate=dat[i]; /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ Юрий И"ьин, инженер
Юрий И

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Yury Ilin (Юрий И"ьин), and I work as a Hardware Design Engineer at Alzymologist Oy.

On this blog, I aim to share my knowledge and experience in the field of hardware design. Here, you will find engaging articles, helpful tips, and the latest news about electronic device development.

Join me on this journey through the world of hardware design! Together, we will explore new technologies, discuss cutting-edge developments, and inspire each other in creating innovative electronic devices.

Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you find plenty of valuable information here.

Юрий И
Юрий И
Юрий И
Юрий И
/* if (press_dif < 0) press_dif = 0; if (press_dif > 1000) press_dif = 1000; if (press_dif<=200) { R_current = (200-press_dif)*2; B_current = 1000; G_current = 0; } else if ((press_dif>200)&&(press_dif<=400)) { R_current = 0; B_current = 1000; G_current = (press_dif-200)*5; } else if ((press_dif>400)&&(press_dif<=600)) { R_current = 0; G_current = 1000; B_current = 1000-(press_dif-400)*5; } else if ((press_dif>600)&&(press_dif<=800)) { R_current = (press_dif-600)*5; G_current = 1000; B_current = 0; } else if (press_dif>800) { R_current = 1000; G_current = 1000-(press_dif-800)*5; B_current = 0; } else idie('error if'); press_dif -= (press_dif - press_change)*0.1; press_err = (BtcRate - press_old) * Gain ; press_old = BtcRate; if (warmup_timer < 2) { warmup_timer++; press_err = 0; } press_change += press_err; if (press_change < -10) press_change = -10; if (press_change > 1010) press_change = 1010; if (press_change > 500) press_change -= 1; if (press_change < 500) press_change += 1; var UpdateTime=15; for (CycleTime=0;CycleTime 1000.0) Rf = 1000.0; if (Rf < 0.0) Rf = 0.0; if (Gf > 1000.0) Gf = 1000.0; if (Gf < 0.0) Gf = 0.0; if (Bf > 1000.0) Bf = 1000.0; if (Bf < 0.0) Bf = 0.0; Rnow = Math.round(Rf); Gnow = Math.round(Gf); Bnow = Math.round(Bf); // noInterrupts(); // analogWrite(12, Bnow); // analogWrite(14, Rnow); // analogWrite(16, Gnow); // interrupts(); // delay(100); } */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ var R=Rnow*k,G=Gnow*k,B=Bnow*k; // var R_c=R_current*k,G_c=G_current*k,B_c=B_current*k; var x=(Math.floor((dat[i]-7000)/8)); if(x<1) x=1; o+="" +"
" +"
" +"
" +"
" +"
" +""; } o=""+o+"
"; o="

"+o; zabil('buka',o); } // --- / 1 ---