God is watching you from clouds.
Copyright! That means you pay!
Licenced Linux! I am proud,
I have bought it just today.
Envy me you sorry losers
I am honest, I am great!
Open source was free for users
Now it's better, that's just fate!
Fucking patches, I despise you!
Never more, I pledge to God
Will I mess with stolen Windows
Will I use that filthy code.
No more updates! Forever!
Macroviruses in pain!
Fucking shit like that I never
In my life will see again!
Office hacked by some poor dummy
Service packs and other shit:
Brothers! Stealing isn't funny!
It's as sinful as red meat!
Used to live like bitching dopey.
Now? Witness this, oh God!
Microwave this pirate copy!
Take away my heavy load!
Burn that disc and do my bidding!
Burn in hell, it makes me sick!
If I could (and I'm not kidding)
I would put it on my dick!
Shit! Just heed me, oh my brothers
This is shame and sin this is;
No more Googling, no more bother
Getting fucking stolen keys!
Don't you feel like stupid asshole
Like a dirty filthy cunt,
When you're using Windows stolen
After such a mo-fo stunt.
Linux, may it shine for ages,
Needs no stealing! Open source!
Take whatever! Tons of pages!
No hiding! No remorse!
Windows users? Mental midgets!
Search these bastards drenched in sweat -
Simplest drivers, macros, widgets,
All is ripped off from the Net!
Hit them quickly with a query,
Where's the licence, A thru Z?
Show us receipts for every
Byte you have on your PC!
Think of poor Hindu coder
Sick, in tatters, out of luck
Writing shitty code on order.
You will pay! Who gives a fuck!
Think of plague-filled dirty baracks
Where millions of Chinese
Slaved away for your software.
Where's my money? What is this?
Think about product sessions,
Managers as good as fucked.
Graphs created with such passion:
Where's my rouble? Where's my buck?
Sell your kidneys to Al-Qaida
Sell your car and sell your loft.
Pay for every line of data
From beloved Microsoft!!